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The AK Master Mount Optic Mount - Full Length for Yugo pattern side rails is the perfect addition to your firearm to allow the use of your favorite optic.This optic mount's one piece design keeps things simple and provides structural integrity. It also boosts a low profile, that hugs the side of the AK receiver and the dust cover to deliver a low axis over bore placement. These mounts also feature a heavy-duty lever that is fully inset into the body of the optic mount to protect it from snags. It is a true quick release, and it easily adjusts to fit different width AK side rails.
The Dual Axis Locking feature maintains optic zero by preventing any movement on the AK’s side rail during sustained shooting and the mounts robust struts support its “2 in 1” design for the top rail. That can accommodate optics with either a picatinny base or an ACOG base. For Yugo Pattern Factory Side Rails.