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PTR-91 GIRC MA/NJ Compliant Rifle
PTR Industries, PTR-91 GIRC, PTR 300 Semi-automatic Rifle, 308 Win, 18" Barrel, parkerized finish, special edition green furniture, welded scope mount, welded fake flash Hider, 1-10rd magazine, MA/NJ compliant, surplus furnitue color may vary.
**** PTR offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty on all new PTR Industries, INC (PTR) firearms. These firearms are warranted to the original purchaser of the firearm fir the lifetime of the firearm, provided they are properly registered and maintained.****
Please Note:This item is not made by Heckler & Koch also referred to as HK. Please do not confuse the origin or affiliation of this item. If you have any questions please feel free to ask prior to purchase.
These are now shipping with original style cocking tube
It is your responsibility to be familiar with your current local gun laws BEFORE placing your order. Please feel free to email us with questions you may have.
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PTR Industries .308 Rifles at Atlantic Firearms from Atlantic Firearms on Vimeo.