Per the Russian Warsaw pact request the Romanian State Arsenal developed an AKM clone featuring a forward-pointing front handgrip molded into the lower hand guard, called the Pistol Mitralieră model 1963 , 'machine pistol' model 1963. The underfolding stock version is designated the Pistol Mitralieră model 1965, and features a rear-pointing front handgrip, allowing the underfolding stock to be completely retracted. The wood front pistol grip gave the Romanian rifles a unique look and are referred to in the US as the DONG. With their rugged reliability and popular configurations Romania exported these around the world . You can now own one of these Iconic Romanian MD65 Under Folders AK 47 kits direct from the Romanian Military Arsenal . These are original Romanian military issue rifles that have been demilitarized and broken down into a parts kit . You will need to add a receiver , barrel and rivets to rebuild this into a semi auto civilian legal rifle . Great to stock up on a few kits for your next home build project or spare parts as these kits are becoming more scarce and rising in value. NRA Rated Fair to Good will show signs of usage, wear & character. Markings may vary sorry no special request .
To complete the kit you will need stamped underfolder AK47 receiver, barrel, rivets and pins. Since this is not a complete gun kit we can ship the kit to you with no FFL needed. They will have finish wear and possibly carvings, cracked upper handguards or other imperfections on parts and or the wood furniture. Please make sure you comply with any Local, State or Federal laws with your project.
Please Note : Due to the demilling process small parts like pins/springs may be missing and/or unserviceable. This can vary from kit to kit.
Condition Standards for Antique/Surplus Firearms (As defined by the National Rifle Association)
The process of grading and inspecting surplus firearms is very subjective and involves numerous details. We always try our best to be as accurate as possible, but we do not inspect firearms and rely on the rating provided by the importer. It is important with the nature of surplus firearms that it be thoroughly cleaned and inspected before use, preferably by a knowledgeable and trained Gunsmith. Please make sure that you are using the correct ammo for the firearm and understand the safe operating procedure.There is no warranty or returns offered on surplus firearms unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by email with sales@atlanticfirearms.com.